Fiák Tibor
NOVA.PACK szolgáltatás
- NOVA.PACK szolgáltatás
Introducing the service for submitting electronic submissions to clients with a machine interface (NOVA.PACK)
The objective of the solution
Along with the proliferation of electronic administration, the need of enterprises also surfaced to integrate the storage space of companies’ gateway into their own case management system. For small and medium-sized enterprises, the storage space offered by the NISZ National Infocommunications Service Company Limited by Shares (hereafter: NISZ) was sufficient but for large enterprises, the use of their own case management system with appropriate authorization management was more convenient. Corresponding the needs, the NISZ published the Safe Delivery Service (hereafter: BKSZ) interface to manage the storage space at companies’ gateway, however, the channel of communication between the company and the authority remained to be a simple .pdf document or at best a KR file generated from an ÁNYK form published by the authority and filled in by the companies’ employees. According to our experiences, the developments in communication have been useful but the company-authority communication still lacks the use of package-based, machine interface-related consignments containing a standardized form. The objective of the development is to elaborate such a web service (NOVA.PACK), which is able to create a KRX container with a key-based encryption on the basis of clients’ requests received through KKSzB. The submissions are addressed by the Address Register of the Central Registration System (KÉR). The KRX container is encrypted in line with the KÉR address received as incoming parameter, with the public key of the connected authorities’ gateway that can be queried by the KIB21 BKSZ. At the side of the addressee, the decryption takes place with the BKSZ private key.
Another objective of the development was to elaborate a specific solution for the police that also produces the standard electronic forms inside the KRX containers, thereby ensuring the machine interface-based communication for enterprises with the police.
Detailed description of the solution
Client requests aiming at the production of inNOVA Portal submissions shall mandatorily include the XML data set of the form to submit, in addition any number of annexes of predefined type and size can also be sent.
When processing the client’s request, the NOVA.PACK system – following a successful virus check – performs the following checks:
Does the form XML correspond the form and content of the up-to-date version published on the inNOVA Portal? The XSD descriptors for the XML form check is available for all versions. For content check, the form execution subsystems of the inNOVA Portal shall be used.
Does type and size of the annex correspond the parameters published on the inNOVA Portal?
If problems occur during receiving (e.g. old version of a form or missing data) it should be communicated to the client in a reply message, by way of the KKSzB. In such cases, the client’s request will be denied.
If the check of the client’s request does not reveal any problem, the inNOVA Portal submission will be generated on the basis of incoming parameters.
In the course of generating the submission, a .pdf form will be generated from the XML of the accepted form, by way of the inNOVA Portal form execution subsystem. The form XML, the form PDF and the accepted annexes together constitute the inNOVA Portal submission that will be created by the NOVA.PACK system in a KRX container procedure, and encrypted with a BKSZ key.
The system will return the generated inNOVA Portal submission (encrypted KRX file) to the client in a reply message.
Based on Act CCXXII of 2015 on the General Rules for Trust Services and Electronic Administration, submissions will be received through the BKSZ service (storage service of clients’ gateway / companies’ gateway / authorities’ gateway). Clients have the possibility to submit KRX submission generated by the NOVA.PACK from their companies’ gateway or authorities’ gateway storage space to the police authorities’ gateway by way of a machine interface. This way, the sending of the submission takes place in a separate procedure not affected by this system.
The procedure of generating, sending and processing the submission can be seen on the picture below.
Intended users
As defined in Act CCXXII of 2015 on the General Rules for Trust Services and Electronic Administration:
bodies ensuring electronic administration and
economic operators.
Data on the NOVA.PACK service are available in the KKSzB Service Catalog. For more information on joining KKSzB, please visit website.
The current forms and information sheets for the selected case group are given in the tables below. You can find information about previous forms that are no longer valid in the Archive, and about future changes to the forms in the Feed.
Fiák Tibor
Published Date
Fiák Tibor
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