
The client has the right to appeal against the decision at first instance.

The customer may appeal against the first instance decision imposing the fine. The right of appeal is not tied to a specific title, it can be appealed for any reason for which the person concerned considers the decision to be prejudicial. An appeal may be lodged within 15 days of notification of the decision (10 working days in proceedings instituted before 1 January 2011).

A fee must be paid for the appeal procedure, which must be stamped in the form of a fee stamp and affixed to the application.

The amount of the fee for the submitted appeal ranges from 5,000 Ft to 12,000 Ft, depending on the amount of the fine, as follows:

  • up to 100.000 Ft : 5.000 Ft,

  • up to 130.000 Ft : 5.200 Ft,

  • up to 150.000 Ft : 6.000 Ft,

  • up to 200.000 Ft : 8.000 Ft,

  • up to 300.000 Ft : 12.000 Ft

the amount of the fee.



Tájékoztatás üzemzavar elhárításáról

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Tájékoztatjuk, hogy 2023. november 28-án (kedd) 8 óra 35 perctől a Rendőrség elektronikus információs rendszerének működésében fennálló üzemzavar 2023. december 6-án 10 óra 00 perckor elhárult.

A küldeményforgalmat befolyásoló üzemzavar megszűnt, az elektronikus küldemények feldolgozása és küldése akadálytalan.

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