The keeper of the vehicle has the option of a so-called exemption if he can prove that he did not use the vehicle at the time of the offense. The cases are as follows.

Pursuant to the Kkt., the keeper of the vehicle is exempted from paying the administrative fine if the motor vehicle - unlawfully (for example as a result of theft) - came out of his possession before the date of the offense and proves (by means of a report, suspension decision) that the prior to the service of the decision, initiated the appropriate official procedure.

The keeper of the vehicle shall also be exempted from the payment of the administrative fine if the vehicle was made available to another natural or non-natural person prior to the offense and by a statement of the person using it in a private document of full probative value * or in the case of motor vehicles subject to special legislation- may be involved in road traffic by means of a journey form or a bill of lading, which contains:

  • the magisterial marking of the vehicle,

  • the name, place of birth, time and address of the natural person operator and customer used,

  • in the case of a keeper and user of the vehicle of a non-natural person, the name and address of its registered office (premises),

  • and an indication of the period for which the user has taken over the use of the vehicle from the keeper of the vehicle.


Pursuant to the relevant government decree, the authority shall impose an administrative fine on the 70th day after the commission of the offense in respect of Section 21 (1) (a) - (g) of the Public Procurement Act, you must deliver it to the customer within 150 days. The time limit of 70 days shall not apply in proceedings for the imposition of an administrative fine on the user, in appeal proceedings, in judicial review or in any new proceedings ordered in such proceedings.


Initiated first instance proceedings for the violation specified in Section 21 (1) a) -g) of the Public Procurement Act within four months after the violation of the regulation, initiated first instance proceedings for the violation specified in Section 21 (1) h) must be completed within five months of.



*Unless proven otherwise, the private document shall serve as full proof that the issuer has made, made or accepted the declaration contained therein, provided that one of the following conditions is met:

  • the exhibitor wrote and signed the deed by hand;

  • two witnesses certify by signing the document that the exhibitor has signed the document not written by him or her or has acknowledged his or her signature as a handwritten signature before them; the place of residence (address) of the witnesses must also be indicated on the document;

  • the signature of the exhibitor on the document is authenticated by a court or notary;

  • the document issued by the entity in the course of its business has been duly signed;

  • a lawyer (legal adviser) proves by duly countersigning the document prepared by him that the exhibitor has signed the document not written by him or has acknowledged his signature as his own signature, or the content of the electronic document signed by the issuer's qualified electronic signature is the same as the electronic document prepared by the lawyer;

  • the exhibitor has placed a qualified electronic signature on the electronic document.





Robbanóanyag szállítási engedély kiadása szünetel 2019.04.30-án

Tájékoztatjuk ügyfeleinket, hogy 2019. április 30-án robbanóanyag szállítási engedélyek kiadására nem kerül sor.

Megértésüket köszönjük.

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